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3 Reasons Why the Man Saver is the Best Post Pounding Tool on the Market

21st Jan 2016

The best post driver on the market

It’s fence mending season! With that comes even earlier mornings, later nights, screaming muscles and dirt permanently lodged underneath fingernails.

Whew… post driving is hard work!

But it doesn’t need to wipe you out.

The Man Saver Post Driver is an excellent, affordable alternative to bulky hydraulic or backbreaking manual fence post drivers. We’ve been driving posts since 1997, so we know a thing or two about getting the job done… and we are 100% confident that the Man Saver is the best fence post driver on the market. Here’s why:

The Man Saver is portable

Ideal for remote locations and tight spots, the Man Saver allows you to lay miles of fence in no time flat. Throw it in the back of your trusty pickup truck, along with a portable air compressor, and what used to take days (or even months) now takes hours.


The Man Saver is air-driven, both up and down, and runs off any small compressor that delivers at least 2.5 CFM at 90 PSI.

The Man Saver has different sleeves for most post sizes

We know that posts come in all sorts of sizes and shapes and are up to the task of creating the perfect sleeve for your toughest jobs. Our sleeves and adapters allow our post drivers to fit almost any post on the market today.


Did you know that the folks here at Man Saver can also create a custom adapter to accommodate a specific post? Just email or fax us a tracing of the end of the post, including exact dimensions for all angles.

The Man Saver is easy for one person to use

The Man Saver post driver weighs in at a mere 26 lbs. No more lugging heavy equipment around and adding to your shoulder and back pain.

We call the Man Saver Post Driver the best ranch hand you’ll ever hire. It never complains and never needs a day off. The learning curve is short and sweet. Take it out of the box at 8 a.m. and you’ll be driving posts before your 9 a.m. coffee break.


The Man Saver Post Driver is an air-powered-dream-come-true.

But don’t take our word for it! See what our loyal customers have to say, like Paul from Washington:


We know there aren’t enough hours in the day to get your work done. From sun up to sun down, the fixing, building and planning ahead never ends. The work can be hard, but it doesn’t have to be backbreaking. That’s why we designed the Man Saver Post Driver to make your job easier. Imagine taking back pain (and cursing) out of your daily equation. No more sore shoulders! No more aching back! No more Bengay smell wafting through the house.

Save precious time and money with the simple and affordable investment of a Man Saver Post Driver.

Give us a call today at 1-800-980-7399 to place your order or to get more information about which tool in our lineup will be the best fit for your projects.